You have hired all your professionals and the Day is arriving. You have plans for hair, make up and some relaxing moments while dressing.
Many of the details you might not have thought about will actually be happening while you, your wedding party and even your parents are trying to get ready – Be sure they all get to enjoy the event while some one else is taking care of these particulars:
1. Making last minute weather decisions – You do not want your guests or family moving chairs in their wedding finery. And do you have a Plan B?
2. Who is directing the caterers when they arrive? Making sure the staff knows where to park.
3. Who is accepting the floral deliveries – directing the table top décor – arranging all of those fabulous details you have just spent the last 6 months creating and planning?
4. Is someone directing the parking and guiding guests as they begin arriving? Especially the ones that show up 40 minutes early or even those that show up 40 minutes late.
5. Will you have portable bathrooms or is there a bathroom the guests can use inside? Will someone be able to direct them where to go?
6. Are ceremony vendors and the officiate leaving right after the ceremony? – Has someone taken care of paying them?
7. Do you have proper lighting for the evening?
Emergency kit ideas for the outdoors: Bug spray, sun block, umbrellas, benadryl for quick relieft of bug bites, water bottles, dampened wash clothes to keep cool