I Temple of Groom

 Great website for the groom who not only likes the planning process, but misses it when it’s over….
Today it hit me that I kind of miss planning and
stressing about the wedding. I know that sounds odd, but so does a blog about a
guy that likes weddings. A couple of our friends are getting married this
weekend and another couple tying the knot next weekend. Mrs. Temple of Groom and
I will attend 2 weddings in June and then another in August. It’s just really
exciting, and I’m envious of all the couples going through this!
While I don’t miss the arguments about stamps or centerpieces with my
parents I do miss the constant rush you have that you’re about to marry someone.
That everything you’ve worked so hard to plan and perfect is about to payoff in
the most incredible way. It culminates with the fact that you’re about to embark
on one of the most important life altering days you’ll ever have. Again, I’d
like to reiterate, there’s a LOT I don’t miss but ultimately, it’s such an
unparalleled great experience no matter what happens.
While you’re planning, absolutely nothing anyone can say will convince you
that things will be incredible no matter what happens, but it’s true. Nothing
can convince me of that more than a recent post by Bowie Bride. Her post proved
that even if you walk away from the wedding and didn’t technically get married
(which I guess is up there with one of the worst things that can happen) the day
can still be perfect. You should go take a read if you’re completely stressing
and need to breathe. (LINK) When you’re planning, and unable to breath because the
wedding is less than 2 weeks away, it’s nearly impossible to realize that your
day is going to be perfect no matter what happens. Rain or shine, cake or not,
chicken vs fish – it won’t matter. It’ll be perfect.
And the truth is the stress completely helps amplify the day and make it
special. The second you overcome the stress and you just let it go, is one of
the best experiences and feelings you’ll ever have. You need the stress to
appreciate the serenity and excitement of the day. The first time I saw Rebecca
during our “first look” is the moment where I just let everything go. Tears,
stress and anxiety were quickly replaced by excitement and my desire to just get
married to this woman and party. It’s such an incredible experience. When you’re
planning you often forget that the point of the wedding is to get married… The
day gets cluttered with “did-we-remembers…”. Did we remember to get the checks
for the a capella kids, did we remember to pack the chuppa poles, did we get our
marriage documents to the rabbi… it’s never as simple and clear as “I just
can’t wait to get married to you!” Sure you have your moments of “we should have
eloped, I just want to be married” but it’s all just verbiage you say because
you’re stressed and just completely over planning-mode.
I don’t really know what the point of this post is. It’s perhaps one of the
most jumbled and least thought out writings I’ve done on the blog. I feel like
I’m on my soapbox a little, but it’s all coming from the heart. I guess I’m just
writing to tell my friends to really cherish this time. Enjoy the stress, and
enjoy lack of sleep. It all pays off. The more stressed you are, the more
incredible your day is going to be.
Rebecca and I just picked up our wedding photo album from our photographers
. Although we’ve seen the photos thousands of times now, actually
having the physical gorgeous leather bound book of your pictures kind of makes
you realize that it really happened. It’s kind of bittersweet. On one hand
you’ve got the most incredible memories, but on the other, you just want it to
happen all over again.
SO, good luck to friend about to make the leap. I’m so excited for you all
and I assure you, it will be the most incredible day, even if it’s not…
AND, just because I haven’t posted every picture of my wedding – I thought
I would include a couple more. At the end of the night in place of throwing
rice, or confetti, or bubbles at us – the entire reception made its way to the
pier on the beach across the street. We lit sky lanters into the breezy night
sky. (don’t worry they are biodegradable and eco friendly)

(all photos taken
by CallawayGable